Weiss Technik Innovation Contest

Weiss Technik is kicking off its annual innovation contest, challenging our talented employees to devise inventive products or solutions that increase the company’s sales, or improve profit by reducing cost. Employees from all departments and levels in our organization are encouraged to come forward with ideas that concern for example; new technologies, new products, processes that streamline manufacturing processes, optimize resource utilization, or improve workflow efficiency, or ideas to enhance our product quality. Participants in the WNA Innovation Contest can of course be individuals, but ideas coming from a group of individuals are valued very much as well! Winning teams will receive recognition, bonuses, and the opportunity to implement their innovations company-wide, fostering our culture of continuous improvement here at Weiss Technik.

Please fill out the form below to submit your innovation. Feel free to email (dwayne.botruff@weiss-technik.com) additional drawings or other information if you feel this adds value/clarity. Submissions are due by May 2, 2025.  

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