Walk-In Climate Rooms for Plants and Insects – Fitotron SGR

Our plant growth walk-in rooms are well equipped with features such as light shelves and controlled addition of fresh air for plant and insect research. Very accurate climate control with a low air flow speed is achieved by means of horizontal blowing-in of the conditioned air through large side walls.

  • The innovative WEBSeason® user interface allows you to program, control and monitor your tests at any time and anywhere – even from your tablet or smartphone

Learn more about how our Fitotron chambers and rooms are used in plant-based pharma production systems marking a great milestone in fundamental sciences.


  • Cultivation on up to 3 levels (additional levels are possible)
  • Cultivation areas of 1.2 m2 to– 24.5 m2
  • Flexible adjustment of light shelves
  • 63 different sizes and special structures available
  • Dimmable fluorescent tubes and LED modules


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3881 N. Greenbrooke Dr. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512