Walk-In High Light Intensity Plant Growth Rooms – Fitotron CGR

The Fitotron® CGR series was developed for plants that require a high light intensity (daylight). These include maize, wheat, barley, cotton, legumes, shrubs, tobacco and C4 plants.

  • The innovative WEBSeason® user interface allows you to program, control and monitor your tests at any time and anywhere – even from your tablet or smartphone


  • Large climatic range (T and r.h.), even at high light intensity
  • Growth area of 4 m2 to 18 m2 and special structures
  • Transparent barrier ensures thermal decoupling from the climate room
  • Vertical air flow (standard), other options are possible
  • High-performance Fitoview SCADA Software


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3881 N. Greenbrooke Dr. SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49512